Charity Marketing in North Tolsta / Tolastadh bho Thuath

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Carrying out charity marketing (and the non-profit sector in general) is a huge part of the promotions and advertising world and an area we particularly enjoy working with at PromoMedia.

The charities we work with in North Tolsta / Tolastadh bho Thuath are often looking for new contributors and they generally look to use a wide range of media to attract the attention of these potential new supporters. At PromoMedia we believe that conveying a clear message of a charity’s goals and generally motivating people to get on board to help a “bigger cause” is best conveyed through a variety of media platforms.

At the same time, we acknowledge that all charities are different and are therefore going to appeal to different people. Marketing for a charity, therefore, isn’t “a one size fits all” solution so we treat each charity client individually, listening to their aims and their target markets so that we can help them achieve the best returns in selecting the most effective types of media for them.

If you are interested in promoting your charity, get in touch with us today via the form on this page and we can discuss your aims and ambitions.

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How Do I Promote My Charity?

We frequently get asked by non-profit organisations “how do I promote my charity?” Well, in simplistic terms we always say the more platforms you use the better the results, as your charity’s public awareness will be raised.

Your campaign may be centred around fundraising, recruiting new supporters, promoting an event, encouraging more volunteers or just creating a brand identity about who you are and what you do. We will identify what exactly you are looking for by talking to you so that we can achieve the best results possible.

At PromoMedia we feel it is important to “tell the story” of your charity as this is key to engaging and gaining the confidence of potential supporters. Most people who contribute to charities like to feel an emotional connection.

The best starting point for marketing a charity is to get in contact with us and once we have discussed primarily your work and then your budget, we can use our expertise to put together a campaign to target your potential supporters at the Right Time, Right Place and Right Price.

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Which Media Platforms Work Best for Charity Marketing?

As a specialist full-service media agency and with an extensive history of working with third sector businesses and charities, PromoMedia can help you to market your non-profit organisation by putting together a comprehensive and bespoke plan which incorporates a variety of different marketing mediums.

As the appeal of charities is often very broad we find that visual mediums with mass impact are very effective. This is because viewers can "see" the type of people or organisation they will be helping and this creates a greater empathy and connection to your cause. In light of this, we often look to use press ads, outdoor and TV advertising – all of which allow you to “show” an audience who they will be in helping through their donations. This tends to be backed up with digital marketing options. 

We explore those options in more detail here: 

Outdoor Advertising for Charities - Visual Impact

Here at PromoMedia, we are experts in billboard and other outdoor advertising forms and we find this is an excellent platform. This is because the story-telling nature of a charity’s journey is something that we feel is best portrayed visually. As one of the oldest forms of advertising, outdoor is key to any successful charity campaign. 

Our expert media planners and buyers are based across the country so can secure brilliant locations in any area, to discuss the advantages of the different outdoor options available get in contact with us today.

Charity Marketing on Buses - Wide Coverage

Advertising on buses in North Tolsta / Tolastadh bho Thuath is an excellent way for charities and non-profit organisations to get seen in lots of different areas, they have great reach and exposure both in terms of demographic and also geography. More details on bus ads and other vehicle advertising is are available on this page. Options are plentiful and suit most budgets and artwork designs. Posters can be found on the backs and the side or you can skin a whole bus. As charities can literally appeal to people from any background or demographic (and anywhere in the country), this form of broad marketing is a great way to reach passengers, people on the street and other users of transport.

Charity Billboard Adverts - Attract Attention

Large static billboard posters at roadsides or city centres (particularly 48 sheets) are great at attracting attention and are popular in most campaigns. There are many different options for billboards including those at the roadside, shopping centres and town centres. They're also both digital and paper versions available. These options are offered all over the UK, from main roads into and out of towns as new back-illuminated digital options on motorways (these are also classed as Storm adverts).

At PromoMedia we can recommend and locate the best roadside or city-centre billboards, securing them at the best costs for your charity advertising campaign. You may already know which sites you specifically want, or you may want to buy a bundle of them in a particular area (if you have a specific location in mind). We would recommend this as the backbone of any marketing strategy. 

Advertising Charities at Train Stations - Wide Demographic

Another form of advertising which is popular with charitable organisations and trusts is train, tram and railway station advertising, again due to heavy footfall and wide demographic exposure (this is sometimes called transport marketing). Options in these areas range from posters on train station platforms, large digital screens in terminals and ticket booths, large billboard posters on platforms (4 sheet and 6 sheets), adverts inside the trains or trams (cove ads), 48 sheet and 96 sheets as well as escalator panel adverts (typically in London Stations). At PromoMedia we cover all of the main stations across the UK. 

TV Ads - Mass Coverage

Television is a hugely effective medium for any marketing campaign and with so many TV channels we can offer advice on which will work for you and your needs. TV ads work particularly well as you can really give lots of information about your organisation and show footage of the people, animals or businesses that will benefit from the supporters' donations. As market leaders in television advertising, we provide advice on what will work best for your budget. A lot of charities choose TV due to its ability to reach millions of viewers with a clear message at one time.  ITV is the most popular advertising channel in the UK but there is also Channel 4, Sky Adsmart and ITV Player to consider, all of which have a wide reach and appeal (but a more affordable price tag). If you want to add TV to your marketing strategy make sure you get in touch today. You can also use a TV ad as part of an online digital marketing campaign. 

Charity Radio Advertising - Affordable

We work with the major UK commercial radio stations as well as the smaller local ones so if you’re planning on radio ads for your charity we can advise you on the best stations to use, identifying the key audience demographics to suit the campaign. We will take on board the message you wish to convey to your potential supporters (as well as your budget) to make radio advertising work for you. 

Digital Marketing and Social Media Options - Give More Information

Both digital marketing and social media are a good addition to any marketing strategy. Both these options allow you to be specific in who you are looking to target both regionally and also demographically. This platform allows you to give more information about who you are and what you do - there is often space for more copy and images to allow you to go into detail. Social media platforms can allow you to talk to your fan base daily to inform them of updates. Options for both digital marketing and social media are growing all the time with new platforms coming on to the market every day, for more information read here.   

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. "How do you market a charity?" You market them much in the same way as you would a commercial product, firstly identify the target market and people most likely to be interested in the work that they do. After that, construct a marketing strategy that could include a whole range of options from digital marketing to TV, radio to outdoor and billboards to social. Every campaign we do is slightly different. 

  2. "Why is marketing important for charities?" It is important so that you can reach new people and educate them about the work of your charity so that you can raise money via donations or from events. 

  3. "What is a charity campaign?" As you can imagine there is no set answer, every charity is unique with a different cause. Most campaigns tend to incorporate a digital marketing and social media strand, outdoor options and then radio or TV depending on budget. 

  4. "What is not for profit marketing?" It is marketing in the charity world, essentially raising awareness of not-for-profit organisations so they can raise money for good causes. 

Contact Us

If you are looking to advertise your charity on either a local scale in North Tolsta / Tolastadh bho Thuath or a national capacity get in contact with us today. Tell us more about what you are looking for and we can put together a plan to get you the results you want. We can accommodate most budgets and create something special and bespoke.

We cover North Tolsta / Tolastadh bho Thuath (Western Isles)

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Other locations available for charity marketing
Keose / Ceòs Valtos / Bhaltos Earsary / Earsairidh Arnol Eishken / Eisgean Hosta Sildinis / Shiltenish Beitearsaig Tigharry / Tigh a' Ghearraidh Cnoc nan Gobhar Bàgh Mòr Sheshader / Seisiadar Mullach Chàrlabhaigh Àird Dhail Flodaigh Shulishader / Sulaisiadar Drimsdale / Dreumasdal


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